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rephrase "3.Reduced financial burden, good accessibility reduces the financial costs associated with seeking healthcare. With health facilities located nearby, individuals spend less on transportation and incur fewer indirect costs, such as lost wages due

3. Lower financial strain: Having healthcare facilities nearby means individuals can save money when seeking medical help. Less travel time means lower transportation costs and fewer lost wages. This lets people use their money for other essential needs, ultimately improving their overall quality of life. 4. Fairer healthcare access: Proximity to health facilities helps reduce health gaps between different income groups. Vulnerable people, like the elderly, women, and those with disabilities, find it easier to visit nearby health centers. This improved access leads to better health outcomes for these groups, helping to narrow health disparities in the area. 5. Lower death rates: The Wechiau district enjoys low mortality rates thanks to strong community health programs that make healthcare more accessible. These programs, which may include mobile clinics and partnerships with local organizations, ensure that mothers and children, especially in remote areas, can easily receive medical care. This accessibility contributes to maintaining low death rates and further supports community health. 6. Better quality of life: Easy access to healthcare facilities greatly enhances the well-being of individuals and families in the district. With reliable medical support, people in Wechiau feel less anxious about their health, leading to improved mental health and life satisfaction. This stability allows them to participate more actively in community activities, build social connections, and focus on personal growth.