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Reframe the following questions into research questionnaire using the objectives. Objective: To determine how green packaging affects consumer preferences and their readiness to pay. Questions: 1.I will definitely revisit a restaurant that communicat

**Research Questionnaire** **Objective: To determine how green packaging affects consumer preferences and their readiness to pay.** **Demographic Information:** 1. Age: __________ 2. Gender: __________ 3. Location: __________ 4. Frequency of dining out (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly): __________ **Section 1: Awareness of Green Practices** 1. How important is it for you to know about a restaurant’s social and environmental activities when choosing where to eat? - Very important - Important - Neutral - Unimportant - Very unimportant **Section 2: Impact of Green Packaging on Consumer Behavior** 2. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding restaurants that actively communicate their social and environmental practices? a. I would definitely revisit a restaurant that communicates its social and environmental activities. - Strongly agree - Agree - Neutral - Disagree - Strongly disagree b. I would recommend a restaurant that communicates its social and environmental activities to others seeking dining recommendations. - Strongly agree - Agree - Neutral - Disagree - Strongly disagree c. I would speak positively about a restaurant that demonstrates commitment to green practices to others. - Strongly agree - Agree - Neutral - Disagree - Strongly disagree **Section 3: Willingness to Pay** 3. How much more would you be willing to pay for a meal at a restaurant that uses environmentally friendly packaging? - Not willing to pay more - 1-5% more - 6-10% more - 11-15% more - More than 15% **Additional Comments:** 4. Please share any further thoughts or experiences related to green packaging and its influence on your dining choices: _______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for participating in this survey! Your responses will help us better understand consumer preferences regarding green packaging in the restaurant industry. Update (2024-08-28): **Research Questionnaire: Impact of Green Packaging on Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay** **Objective: To determine how green packaging affects consumer preferences and their readiness to pay.** **Survey Questions:** 1. **Intentions Toward Social and Environmentally Responsible Restaurants:** - To what extent do you agree with the following statement? “I prefer to purchase food from restaurants that are socially and environmentally responsible because they minimize environmental pollution and support the welfare of their employees and communities.” (Options: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree) 2. **Willingness to Switch to Environmentally Friendly Options:** - How likely are you to change your purchasing habits to favor food from restaurants that prioritize social and environmental concerns? (Options: Very Unlikely, Unlikely, Neutral, Likely, Very Likely) 3. **Financial Commitment to Responsible Choices:** - How much more would you be willing to spend at restaurants that are socially and environmentally responsible compared to conventional restaurants? (Options: Much Less, Less, About the Same, More, Much More) **Demographic Information (Optional):** - Age: __ - Gender: __ - Location: __ - Income Level: __ - Education Level: __ Thank you for participating in this survey! Your responses will help us understand consumer preferences regarding green packaging and eco-friendly practices in the food industry. Update (2024-08-28): **Research Questionnaire on Green Packaging, Consumer Preferences, and Willingness to Pay** **Objective:** To determine how green packaging affects consumer preferences and their readiness to pay. **Section 1: Consumer Intentions and Preferences** 1. **Environmental Responsibility in Dining Choices** - To what extent do you agree with the following statement? "I always intend to purchase food from restaurants that are socially and environmentally responsible because they reduce environmental pollution and support employee and community welfare." - Strongly Disagree - Disagree - Neutral - Agree - Strongly Agree 2. **Willingness to Switch Dining Preferences** - How likely are you to switch your dining preferences to restaurants that are socially and environmentally friendly? - Very Unlikely - Unlikely - Neutral - Likely - Very Likely 3. **Financial Commitment to Responsible Dining** - How likely are you to increase your spending at socially and environmentally responsible restaurants compared to conventional ones? - Very Unlikely - Unlikely - Neutral - Likely - Very Likely **Section 2: Additional Insights and Comments** - Please share any additional comments or insights regarding your preferences for green packaging and socially responsible dining practices. (Open response) Thank you for your participation!