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Rant how you had planned a birthday surprise for your mom two days to her birthday. You moved from port to Bayelsa on Friday afternoon after lectures and you went to your aunt’s place to pass the night, woke up the next morning and went to her shop to sur

Oh my gosh, let me just get this off my chest! So, I had this amazing plan to surprise my mom for her birthday. I mean, it's her big day, and I wanted to make it special, right? So, two days before her birthday, I packed my bags and moved from Port Harcourt to Bayelsa on Friday afternoon after my lectures. I was pumped! I thought about all the excited looks on her and my dad's faces when they realized I was there. But, you know, life can get crazy sometimes, and it felt like a mini marathon just getting everything sorted. As soon as I hit Bayelsa, I dropped my stuff at my aunt's place and crashed for the night. I barely caught any sleep because my mind was racing with all the thoughts of the surprise the next day. The next morning, I woke up super early, heart pounding with excitement. I was practically buzzing as I made my way to my mom's shop. I could already picture her face lighting up when she saw me. She and my dad had no clue I came to town a day earlier, and I was just so ready to blow their minds! But as I was walking to her shop, I started to get a bit nervous. What if she didn’t react the way I expected? What if it didn’t go as planned? I mean, I had driven almost halfway across the state just to see her smile! But you know what? I pushed those doubts aside. This was going to be epic! When I finally arrived at her shop, I took a deep breath, steadied myself, and burst through the door. All I could think was, “Here comes the best part!” And then… I saw her. She was busy, going about her normal routine, completely unaware that I was there. I couldn’t hold it back anymore! I shouted “Surprise!” and her reaction was priceless. The way her eyes widened and then filled with tears… it was everything I hoped for and more. Just that moment made all the chaos of the last few days totally worth it! But here’s the kicker: the rush of adrenaline and the anticipation was so intense, and I genuinely felt on top of the world. I can’t tell you how happy I was that all my plans came together. I just needed to share this because surprises like that are what make family moments so precious. Sure, it was a marathon to pull off, but seeing my mom’s joy was the finish line that made every step worth it! So yeah, if you ever think about planning a surprise for someone you love, just go for it! Sure, it’s stressful and takes a lot of planning, but when you see that happy expression on their face? It feels like winning the lottery. Happy birthday, Mom! You deserved every bit of that surprise! 🎉❤️