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Rant how you had planned a birthday surprise for your mom two days before her birthday. After speaking to her on Tuesday night, this thought of surprising her came to my head. I was wondering how I would pull it through after I checked my bank account bal

I can't believe how everything fell into place for my mom's birthday surprise! Two days before her big day, I had this brilliant idea after talking to her on Tuesday night. I thought, "What if I surprise her? She deserves it!" But then reality hit me like a brick wall when I checked my bank account – there was barely enough for a cup of coffee! Frustrated and feeling hopeless, I closed my eyes and poured my heart out to God. I told Him about my plans and my lack of funds, asking Him to somehow make it happen. I mean, come on, I didn’t have much time left, and here I was just praying and hoping for a miracle. And can you believe it? Wednesday rolls around, and out of the blue, someone sent me some money! It was like a sign from above, and I knew this was my chance to turn my plan into reality. I was ecstatic! I literally jumped at the opportunity and decided I would use that money to execute the surprise. So, on Thursday, I packed my bags and left Port Harcourt for Bayelsa, all while juggling my lectures and the excitement bubbling inside me. I managed to spend Thursday night at my aunt’s place, pretending it was just another ordinary visit. My heart raced with anticipation, knowing that the next morning, I’d pull off this heartfelt surprise. On Friday, I woke up early and headed straight to my aunt's shop where my mom always frequented. I could hardly contain my excitement, imagining the look on her face when she saw me! She and my dad were completely oblivious to my arrival, which only added to my thrill. When the moment finally came, the look of shock and joy on my mom's face made every struggle worth it. It was as if time stood still, and all those worries about money and logistics evaporated in an instant. I got to show my mom just how much she means to me, and the joy in her eyes filled my heart with such gratitude. Honestly, I couldn’t have pulled this off without that little nudge from God. It's incredible how, when we put our concerns into His hands, things begin to align perfectly. It was a birthday surprise that I will cherish forever!