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Rant about pda public display of affection

Public displays of affection (PDA) can be a contentious topic, and there are certainly many angles from which to approach the rant! Here’s a take on it: First off, let’s talk about the sheer audacity of some people who feel the need to engage in high-octane make-out sessions in public spaces. Seriously, do we really need to see you practically glued to each other’s lips at the coffee shop or in the park? There’s a fine line between a sweet gesture, like holding hands or a quick peck on the cheek, and what feels like a live-streamed episode of “Couples Gone Wild.” It can get downright uncomfortable for those of us trying to enjoy a peaceful day out. And what about when you're trying to have a nice meal or coffee in a café, and suddenly there’s a full-blown scene right next to you? Are they auditioning for a romantic drama? I don’t want to hear their commentary on how much they “love each other” while I’m trying to enjoy my overpriced latte. It’s as if some individuals think that their love needs to be recognized by the entire world, where everyone needs to witness their profound connection. Newsflash: your relationship isn’t a spectacle! Then there’s the cringe factor. You know, the eye-rolling moments when you see a couple doing something that would be better suited for a private bedroom scenario. What happened to a little decency and respect for personal space? While I’m all for love and connection, there’s a time and place for everything, and there’s something to be said for keeping certain aspects of your relationship just between the two of you. Let’s not forget the mixed feelings it can stir up among those who might not be in a relationship, or those who are feeling lonely. In our hyper-connected world, we don’t need constant reminders of what might feel like a “perfect” relationship. Instead of fostering romance, it can alienate those who are still searching for that connection. And then, of course, there are cultural differences. What might be considered a sweet gesture in one culture could be seen as inappropriate in another. So why do we have to blare our love across the public landscape without acknowledging the wider context? Ultimately, a little affection is lovely, but moderation is key. Let’s keep PDA sweet, simple, and above all, considerate of the surrounding public. Show your love, but maybe save the passionate displays for when it’s just you and your partner, where it belongs!