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Rant about how some fellows do not know how to text someone for the first time. Literally, why would you hit up someone for the first time and you go like “how far” someone you don’t know from Adam. Wtf is “how far”? Trust me, I won’t respond to that crab

Honestly, it’s wild how some guys hit on someone for the first time with lackluster effort and a complete disregard for basic conversation skills. Like, if you’re going to take that leap and actually message someone you don’t know, at least put a little thought into it! "How far"? Seriously? What does that even mean? It’s almost like they just threw out the most generic line they could think of and hoped for the best. When you reach out to someone for the first time, you’re essentially introducing yourself. You wouldn’t walk up to someone in person and just say “How far?” with zero context. So why do it online? There are so many better ways to break the ice—ask a question, make a comment about something in their profile, or even just say "Hi, I’m [Your Name], I saw your profile and thought I’d say hello!" It’s so frustrating because it seems like some people think a half-hearted text is enough to spark a connection. Spoiler alert: it’s not. They might as well be sending a message in a bottle and hoping it washes up on shore! If you can’t be bothered to make a good first impression, don’t be surprised when you get ghosted. Communication is key, folks! If you want to get to know someone, show some genuine interest. Upgrade your game, or prepare to be left on ‘read’!