PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Height Weight Vision Right Eye: Left Eye: Both Eyes: Neck Chest/Lungs Heart Abdomen Musculoskeletal Neurological Skin Other Give guide on how to answer the above with examples
When conducting a physical examination, it is important to provide clear and specific information for each category listed. Below is a guide on how to answer each section with examples:
1. **Height**: Measure the patient's height in either centimeters (cm) or inches (in).
- **Example**: 175 cm (5 feet 9 inches)
2. **Weight**: Measure the patient's weight in kilograms (kg) or pounds (lbs).
- **Example**: 70 kg (154 lbs)
3. **Vision**: Test and document visual acuity for each eye using Snellen Chart or other standard methods.
- **Right Eye**: 20/20
- **Left Eye**: 20/25
- **Both Eyes**: 20/20
4. **Neck**: Assess for any abnormalities, swelling, or range of motion.
- **Example**: Neck is supple, no lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly noted, full range of motion.
5. **Chest/Lungs**: Check for lung sounds, respiratory rate, and any signs of distress.
- **Example**: Clear lung sounds bilaterally, no wheezing or crackles, respiratory rate 16 breaths/min.
6. **Heart**: Evaluate heart sounds, rate, and rhythm.
- **Example**: Regular rate and rhythm, heart sounds S1 and S2 normal, no murmurs.
7. **Abdomen**: Examine for tenderness, organs, and bowel sounds.
- **Example**: Abdomen soft, non-tender, bowel sounds present, no hepatosplenomegaly.
8. **Musculoskeletal**: Check joint range of motion and muscle strength.
- **Example**: Full range of motion in all joints, muscle strength 5/5 bilaterally.
9. **Neurological**: Assess reflexes, sensation, and cognitive function.
- **Example**: Alert and oriented x3, reflexes intact, normal sensation in all four extremities.
10. **Skin**: Inspect for rashes, lesions, or abnormalities.
- **Example**: Skin warm, dry, no rashes or lesions noted, good turgor.
11. **Other**: Any additional findings or tests that may be relevant.
- **Example**: No additional findings; lab tests pending for cholesterol and glucose levels.
### Summary
When documenting each of these categories, it's important to use objective measurements where possible and to note any abnormalities or significant findings clearly. Use precise and clinically relevant language to ensure that the examination can be understood and acted upon by other healthcare professionals if needed.