Methodology (This section consists of the methodology adopted by our proposed work. The goal of our work is carried out to solve the previously mentioned challenges using delegated voting systems, blockchain technology, and related areas such as cybersec
This section presents the methodology employed in our proposed project, aiming to tackle the challenges identified in previous sections through the implementation of delegated voting systems, blockchain technology, and relevant domains including cybersecurity, privacy, and legal compliance.
### 5.1. Design Process:
The voting application we developed is tailored to meet essential requirements such as privacy, eligibility, usability, receipt freeness, and verifiability. With the intent of ensuring secure digital voting, this system boasts a web-based interface designed to prevent multiple voting by linking each user to their unique wallet. Additionally, the application features a user-friendly interface for administrators, allowing for efficient management of voters, constituencies, and candidates. It emphasizes equal rights for all participants and fair competition, all while safeguarding voter privacy. Upon casting a vote, a cryptographic hash is generated as proof, allowing for traceability beyond the immediate constituency boundaries.
### 5.2. The Voting Process:
Central to this methodology is the use of a secure crypto server that maintains voter anonymity. Each vote must undergo encryption prior to being logged onto the blockchain. The voting procedure begins when a voter logs into the system using their credentials; if a match is found, they are presented with a list of candidates, along with an option to reject all candidates collectively. Once a vote is cast, it is validated by a network of miners before being permanently documented in the public ledger. The security of the voting system is fundamentally supported by blockchain technology, which employs cryptographic hashing. Each voter is assigned a unique cryptographic hash that serves as their identifier on the blockchain, ensuring that even the system administrator cannot access this information, thus preserving voter privacy.
#### 5.2.1. Proposed Voting Mechanisms:
1. **Phase I: Registration**
2. **Phase II: Voting Setup**
3. **Phase III: Voting**
4. **Phase IV: Results**
### 5.3. Implementation:
Ethereum's blockchain technology is positioned as a promising infrastructure for electronic voting systems. Smart contracts can be coded onto the Ethereum blockchain to execute predetermined actions based on specific contractual conditions. Ethereum supports two distinct account types: externally owned accounts (EOAs) and contract accounts (CAs). Ether, the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum, can be stored in either account type; however, an EOA must permit a CA to utilize its functionalities, which incurs a resource expenditure termed “gas.” The development of a decentralized application (DApp) intended to supplant conventional voting systems requires a dedicated web interface. To initiate the integration of an Ethereum-based voting system, preliminary stages must be established.
#### 5.3.1. Server-Side Components:
- **Truffle:**
Truffle is an essential framework for developing Ethereum blockchain applications using the Solidity programming language. It encompasses various capabilities including automated testing, client-side development, network management, and smart contract administration, serving as the network manager within our system.
- **Solidity:**
We employ Solidity, a high-level programming language that bears similarities to JavaScript, for smart contract creation. Contracts take a structure reminiscent of classes in Object-Oriented Programming, as variables and functions form the building blocks of contract logic. The Solidity code is compiled into EVM-compatible bytecode through the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
- **Ganache:**
Ganache is a widely used local blockchain tool that facilitates the development and testing of decentralized applications on the Ethereum network. In the context of a voting system, it is utilized to simulate and evaluate the system's behavior prior to its deployment on the main Ethereum blockchain.
- **Node Server:**
The system incorporates a lightweight node server known as the crypto server, responsible for storing cryptographic keys for encryption and decryption. The Election Commission generates these keys on the server, which are essential for securely encrypting and decrypting votes during the counting phase. The crypto server is dedicated solely to cryptographic functions and key storage.
#### 5.3.2. Client-Side Components:
Voting via Ethereum accounts can now be executed on any computer or mobile device, enabled by a client-side user interface. CSS is used for aesthetic enhancements, while React JS manages data on the client side. Markup typically follows HTML structures. Client-server interactions are facilitated by the web3.js JavaScript module. Users’ ethers are stored in the Ethereum wallet managed by MetaMask, a lightweight browser extension compatible with popular browsers, enabling users to transact Ethers through any decentralized application of their choice. The tool emphasizes security, as there have been no successful hacks resulting in stolen funds. MetaMask serves as a conduit between blockchain networks and web browsers, processing web3 requests and relaying them to the server.