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Make cleaning schedule share-house for 10 people

Creating a cleaning schedule for a share house with 10 people requires organization and clarity. Below is a sample cleaning schedule that can be adjusted according to your specific needs, spaces, and preferences. This schedule includes daily, weekly, and monthly tasks divided among housemates. ### Cleaning Schedule for Share House #### General Guidelines: - **Rotate Weekly**: Each week, assign different housemates to tasks. - **Weekly Meeting**: Have a brief meeting to discuss any issues or adjustments needed. - **Tracking**: Use a shared online document (e.g., Google Sheets) to keep track of responsibilities. ### Daily Cleaning Tasks Assigned to individuals randomly for each week: - **Take Out Trash/Recycling** (2 people) - **Wipe Down Kitchen Counters/Table** (1 person) - **Sweep/Vacuum High-Traffic Areas** (1 person) - **Clean Dishes/Load Dishwasher** (2 people) - **Check Stock of Cleaning Supplies** (1 person) ### Weekly Cleaning Tasks (Divided among housemates: Each person will be responsible for one task.) | Week | Person 1 | Person 2 | Person 3 | Person 4 | Person 5 | Person 6 | Person 7 | Person 8 | Person 9 | Person 10 | |------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------| | 1 | Kitchen | Living Room | Bathroom | Hallways | Bedrooms | Staircase | Outdoor Area | Appliances | Organize Shared Spaces | Dusting | | 2 | Living Room | Bedroom 1 | Bathroom | Kitchen | Hallways | Staircase | Outdoor Area | Appliances | Organize Shared Spaces | Dusting | | 3 | Bedroom 2 | Kitchen | Bathroom | Hallways | Living Room | Staircase | Outdoor Area | Appliances | Organize Shared Spaces | Dusting | | 4 | Kitchen | Living Room | Bathroom | Hallways | Bedrooms | Staircase | Outdoor Area | Appliances | Organize Shared Spaces | Dusting | ### Monthly Deep Cleaning Tasks Every month, assign a small team (2-3 people) to tackle these tasks: - **Clean Fridge/Freezer** (2 people) - **Clean Oven and Microwave** (2 people) - **Wash Windows** (2 people) - **Dust/Vacuum Furniture** (2 people) - **Clean Shower/Bathtub Deeply** (2 people) - **Clean under Furniture/Appliances** (2 people) ### Additional Notes: - Each task should have an estimated time, and you can team up for larger jobs if desired. - Encourage communication about cleanliness preferences and concerns. - Consider creating a cleaning supply fund where each resident contributes to purchase cleaning supplies and tools. ### Tips for Success: 1. **Be Flexible**: Life happens; if someone cannot do their task, they should find a replacement or reschedule. 2. **Incentives**: Consider creating a reward system for months that run smoothly (e.g., a group outing). 3. **Written Agreement**: Draft a shared cleaning agreement that everyone can sign for accountability. Feel free to adapt this schedule according to your house's specific layout, needs, and preferences!