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Long transcript of Willow a single adoptive mother Tangled the series asking for help when her adopted nonverbal baby son Alex almost crashed from a bookcase from helping to save little Cassandra being trapped, and Cassandra was thanking Alex after he was

**Title: A Mother's Heart: Willow's Plea and Cassandra's Tale** *(The scene opens in a cozy living room filled with children's toys and books scattered about. Willow, a dedicated single adoptive mother, is pacing back and forth, her expression a mix of worry and determination. She clutches her phone tightly while glancing repeatedly at her nonverbal baby son, Alex, who is sitting on the floor playing with blocks.)* **Willow:** *(on the phone, voice shaky)* Hello? Yes, it’s me, Willow. I need help—it's urgent. Alex... he was trying to save Cassandra. He climbed the bookcase, and I—I saw him teetering at the top... *(A soft gasp comes from the phone as she continues.)* **Willow:** I couldn’t reach him in time! Cassandra was trapped, and he just wanted to help her. He has no idea how dangerous that was! I can't believe he thought he could save her... *(Cut to a flashback where we see little Cassandra stuck beneath a fallen shelf, her face filled with fear. Alex, despite his small size, bravely attempts to scale the precarious bookcase beside her.)* **Cassandra:** *(breathless)* Alex, please be careful! *(Suddenly, the bookcase begins to wobble. Alex's eyes widen, but he pushes on, determined to help his friend. Just as the shelf tips, Willow rushes in and catches the bookcase just in time to prevent it from crashing.)* *(The scene returns to the present, where Willow is tearful but relieved as she watches Alex, who is now resting safely in her arms. Cassandra, though shaken, approaches and places a soft hand on Alex’s head.)* **Cassandra:** Thank you, Alex! You saved me! I knew you could do it! *(Willow hugs Alex tightly, her heart swelling with pride mixed with fear.)* **Willow:** Just don’t ever do that again, okay? You scared me so much... *(The camera pans to Alex, his eyes sparkling with innocence. Though he cannot speak, his smile conveys understanding and bravery.)* --- *(The scene transitions years later, in a sun-drenched garden where Cassandra, now a confident young woman, sits with her cousin Rapunzel. They share stories, laughter filling the air like music.)* **Rapunzel:** So, tell me again! How did Alex manage to save you from that bookcase? **Cassandra:** *(laughing)* Oh, Alex was so brave! He just saw me in trouble and didn’t even think twice. He climbed right up there, like a little hero! *(Rapunzel’s eyes widen, and she leans closer.)* **Rapunzel:** I can’t believe he did that! He must have been so scared! *(Cassandra’s expression softens as she recalls the memory.)* **Cassandra:** He was scared, but he wanted to help me more than anything. That little guy has a heart of gold. *(Just then, Queen Arianna walks into the garden and overhears the conversation. She stops, her smile faltering as she remembers the traumatic incident.)* **Queen Arianna:** *(tears in her eyes, whispering to herself)* I remember how painful that was to see... *(Taking a deep breath, she approaches Alex, who is playing nearby with some flowers. She bends down and envelops him in a warm hug, brushing her fingers through his hair.)* **Queen Arianna:** You were so brave, my dear Alex. *(Alex looks up at her, his eyes wide as he returns her hug, sensing her love and concern.)* **Queen Arianna:** *(smiling through her tears)* But you don’t have to put yourself in danger to be a hero. You’re already a hero just by being you. *(As they pull away, the garden seems to glow with warmth and love. Rapunzel, with tears of joy in her eyes, embraces Cassandra, grateful for the memories that have only strengthened their bond.)* **Cassandra:** And now, look at us! We’re all okay. *(The scene fades with laughter and warmth, capturing a family bound by love, courage, and healing.)* **End Scene**