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A poem that describes the frightening, terrified, and exhausting. Trojan women went though

In the shadows of twilight, where sorrow weeps, The air is thick with dread, as the silence creeps, Once proud in their glory, now hushed and alone, The Trojan women face the ruin they’ve known. With eyes like embers, reflecting the night, Haunted by visions of anguish and fright, They watch as their city, once vibrant and bold, Is swallowed by darkness, a tale to be told. Frightened whispers curl like smoke in the air, As echoes of loss weave a tapestry rare, Their husbands, their fathers, now lost in the fray, Each heartbeat a marker of hope flown away. They gather in circles, their hearts all a-flutter, Mournful tears mingle with the dust and the clutter, The weight of defeat wraps them tight in its shroud, An ocean of grief, where despair speaks aloud. The cries of the fallen, a chorus of pain, Resonate deeply, like a ghost in the rain, And fear coils around them like a serpent so taut, Each moment a battle, each breath deeply fought. Exhaustion devours them, as day turns to dusk, Their strength now a memory, like the scent of musk, But still they keep vigil for futures confined, In the ruins of dreams that are wrapped up in time. And fate, cruel and cunning, with hands made of stone, Shatters their solace, leaves their spirits alone, Yet in their frailty, a flicker, a spark, A resilience that glimmers through the engulfing dark. For though they are shattered, their voices may quake, They rise with the dawn, for their honor’s sake, In the face of the terror, in the grip of despair, The Trojan women stand, with defiance laid bare.