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Rant how Facebook really be toiling with my feelings lately. Any other person experiencing some unusual changes on their Facebook profile? I’ve come way to far for this monetization thing for these guys to start acting up. This is not funny at all.

Oh, I feel you! Facebook has been such a mixed bag lately. One minute, you’re scrolling through your timeline, catching up with friends or seeing those adorable memes that make your day, and the next minute, you’re bombarded with ads and weird algorithm changes that seem to derail your whole experience. It's like the platform is playing with your emotions—one day you see everything, and the next you feel like you're in some kind of social media ghost town! What’s worse is that all this monetization they keep pushing feels like it’s overshadowing genuine interactions. Remember when Facebook was all about connecting with people? Now it feels like it’s a game of how many ads and sponsored posts can they shove in your face. It’s frustrating when you’re putting effort into engagement, only to be slapped with a sea of promoted content that you didn’t ask for. And let’s talk about the weird changes to profiles! One day, your layout's one way, and the next, you’re struggling to find the settings or your friend’s posts because they’ve switched things up yet again without warning. I don’t know about you, but it’s anxiety-inducing! I mean, one minute you’re celebrating milestones, and the next, you might miss it because of some glitch or algorithm tweak. It’s like they’re toying with our nostalgia while pushing us toward this monetized nightmare. Honestly, it’s like they’ve forgotten about us. Our friendships, our memories—so much of it is wrapped up in that platform, but the way they’re operating nowadays feels dismissive. Anyone else feeling like they’re on this emotional rollercoaster with Facebook trying to keep up with all the madness? It’s seriously exhausting!