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Is this grammatically correct? What does it mean and can it be rephrased? “MTN NG, I have been experiencing a serious network downtime for over two weeks now and it’s not even getting any better. It has really affected my internet experience ever since.

Yes, the text is grammatically correct. Here's a breakdown of its meaning: The speaker is addressing MTN NG (a telecommunications company in Nigeria) to express frustration about experiencing significant network downtime for over two weeks. They indicate that the situation has not improved and is affecting their internet usage. The speaker wonders if this is a widespread issue or if it’s specific to their location. They request that the company take action to resolve the issue, highlighting their frustration. Here’s a rephrased version: “MTN NG, I have been dealing with a major network outage for more than two weeks now, and things aren’t getting any better. This has really impacted my internet experience. Is this a widespread issue, or is it just happening in my area? Please do something about this because it’s incredibly frustrating!” And here’s a simpler, more rant-like version: “MTN NG, it’s been over two weeks and your network has been down! It hasn’t improved at all, and it’s really messing up my internet use. Is this happening to everyone or just me? You need to fix this because it’s so annoying!”