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Enrolment has increased in the free SHS era in Ghana. Could you please explain the factors that account for the increased enrolment

The increase in enrolment in Ghana's free Senior High School (SHS) program can be attributed to several key factors: 1. **Tuition Abolition**: The most significant factor is the elimination of tuition fees for SHS students. This removal alleviates the financial burden on families, enabling more students to enroll who might not have been able to afford education otherwise. 2. **Government Policy and Support**: The government's commitment to education as a fundamental right, coupled with policies aimed at promoting access to education, has encouraged more families to send their children to school. 3. **Increased Awareness**: There has been an increase in public awareness about the importance of education, driven by government campaigns and community advocacy. This has led many families to prioritize enrolling their children in SHS. 4. **Socioeconomic Factors**: As Ghana's economy evolves, there is a growing recognition of the necessity for higher education in securing employment. Parents are more inclined to invest in their children's education, understanding its long-term benefits. 5. **Improved Infrastructure**: Investments in school infrastructure, including the construction of new schools and the rehabilitation of existing ones, contribute to the capacity to enroll more students. Better facilities and resources enhance the learning environment. 6. **Funding for Educational Resources**: The government has increased funding for educational resources, such as textbooks and teaching materials, making it easier for schools to accommodate more students and ensure that they receive a quality education. 7. **Community and Parental Involvement**: Communities are increasingly recognizing the value of education, leading to enhanced support systems for families. This community involvement often translates into increased enrolment as local norms shift in favor of education. 8. **Social Equity Initiatives**: The free SHS program aims to address social inequities that traditionally affected disadvantaged groups, encouraging more girls and children from rural areas to pursue secondary education. 9. **Reduction of Gender Disparities**: Programs promoting gender equality in education have led to increased enrolment of girls in SHS, contributing to overall increased figures. 10. **Pandemic Recovery Efforts**: In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, educational recovery efforts may also have put a spotlight on the importance of education, further boosting enrolment rates as families recognize the need for academic resilience. Overall, the combination of policy interventions, increased awareness of education's value, financial support mechanisms, and improved infrastructure creates a conducive environment for increased enrolment in Senior High Schools in Ghana.