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Paraphrase the following paragraph; NEMA requires, inter alia, that: “Development must be socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable”, “Disturbance of ecosystems and loss of biological diversity are avoided, or, where they cannot be altogethe

NEMA stipulates, among other things, that development should be sustainable in social, environmental, and economic aspects. It emphasizes the need to prevent disruption of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity or, at the very least, to minimize and address such impacts when they cannot be entirely avoided. Additionally, NEMA advocates for a cautious and risk-averse approach that considers the limitations of current understanding regarding the outcomes of decisions and actions. It also asserts that the environment is a public asset meant to benefit the community, and environmental resources should be used in a way that serves the public good, ensuring the protection of the environment as a shared legacy of the people.