Artificial Intelligence
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answer with short sentences, make some grammar mistakes, and speak formally, but not robotically: 1. Define: Bicameral: Unicameral: 2. What question was resolved with the Great Compromise/Connecticut Compromise? 3. What plan w

1. **Bicameral:** It is a system of government with two separate chambers or houses. **Unicameral:** It is a system of government with one single chamber or house. 2. The Great Compromise resolved the issue of representation in Congress. 3. The large states supported the Virginia Plan. They wanted representation based on population. 4. The small states supported the New Jersey Plan. They preferred equal representation for each state. 5. **Virginia Plan:** How many houses? Two houses. Number of congressmen determined by: Population of each state. 6. **New Jersey Plan:** How many houses? One house. Number of congressmen determined by: Equal representation for each state. 7. The Great Compromise created a two-house legislature. One house based on population, the other on equality. 8. Representatives in the House of Representatives are chosen by: **POPULATION.** 9. Senators in the Senate are chosen by: **EQUALITY.**