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which software application by Synopsys has a feature/module called RSOFT_OPTSIM_EO_COSIM? What is RSOFT_OPTSIM_EO_COSIM

The software application by Synopsys that includes the feature/module called **RSOFT_OPTSIM_EO_COSIM** is **OptoCompiler**. **RSOFT_OPTSIM_EO_COSIM** is a simulation interface that allows for the co-simulation of electronic and optical components. Specifically, it enables the integration of optical and electronic design processes, allowing users to analyze the behavior of photonic circuits alongside their electronic counterparts. This feature is particularly useful in the design and optimization of integrated photonic circuits, where interactions between electrical signals and optical waveguides are critical. By utilizing RSOFT_OPTSIM_EO_COSIM, engineers and designers can achieve more accurate performance predictions and optimize designs for both electronic and photonic functionalities in a unified environment. This co-simulation capability enhances the design flow and reduces the time needed for product development in complex systems that incorporate both light and electronics.