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crush fetish

A crush fetish, often referred to as "crush fetishism," is a sexual interest or attraction where individuals derive pleasure from watching or imagining the crushing of an object, typically small animals or inanimate objects, underfoot. This can include scenarios where someone steps on, squashes, or mutilates these items, which may be depicted in videos, imagery, or fantasies. Crush fetishism is generally categorized within a broader range of fetishistic behaviors, and it can include varying degrees of emotional and psychological engagement. While some people may find this fetish simply a source of entertainment or a kink, others may have deeper emotional or psychological connections to it. It's important to note that many people and organizations advocate for the humane treatment of animals, and engaging in harmful activities towards living beings is illegal and unethical. If someone has this fetish, it’s crucial to understand and respect the boundaries that protect the well-being of animals and the laws of the community. Always prioritize consent, legality, and ethics in any sexual or fetish context.