Artificial Intelligence
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Write a c++ Program to get the average marks of six subjects using the Multiple Inheritance With output

Sure! Below is a simple C++ program that demonstrates multiple inheritance to calculate the average marks of six subjects. In this example, we'll have two base classes: `SubjectMarks` to store the marks for each subject, and `AverageMarks` to compute the average using the marks from `SubjectMarks`. The derived class `Student` will inherit from both base classes. Here's the implementation: ```cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Base class to hold marks for six subjects class SubjectMarks { protected: float marks[6]; public: void inputMarks() { cout << "Enter marks for six subjects:\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { cout << "Subject " << (i + 1) << ": "; cin >> marks[i]; } } }; // Base class to calculate average marks class AverageMarks { protected: float average; public: void calculateAverage(float marks[]) { float sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sum += marks[i]; } average = sum / 6; } void displayAverage() { cout << "Average Marks: " << average << endl; } }; // Derived class that inherits from SubjectMarks and AverageMarks class Student : public SubjectMarks, public AverageMarks { public: void compute() { inputMarks(); // Get marks from user calculateAverage(marks); // Calculate average displayAverage(); // Display average } }; int main() { Student student; // Create an instance of Student student.compute(); // Call compute to process marks and output average return 0; } ``` ### How the Program Works: 1. **SubjectMarks Class**: This class contains an array to store the marks of six subjects and a function to input these marks. 2. **AverageMarks Class**: This class contains a function to compute the average of the marks provided from the `SubjectMarks` class's array and a function to display the average. 3. **Student Class**: This class inherits from both `SubjectMarks` and `AverageMarks`. It has a method `compute()` that orchestrates the calling of input and processing functions. 4. **Main Function**: The main function creates an instance of the `Student` class and calls the `compute()` method, which handles the entire process. ### Example Output Below is an example of what the output would look like when a user runs the program and provides input: ``` Enter marks for six subjects: Subject 1: 85 Subject 2: 90 Subject 3: 78 Subject 4: 88 Subject 5: 92 Subject 6: 95 Average Marks: 88.6667 ``` ### Note: - Ensure the input values for the marks are valid numbers (0-100 for marks). - C++ compilers need to be set up for your execution environment and you should compile it properly to see the results.