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How do I tell a friend nicely that I don’t want to take to her when we pick our kids up at the end of the day because I’m autistic and it’s not my routine and my social battery is low then

It's important to communicate your feelings honestly and kindly. Here’s how you might approach the conversation: 1. **Choose the Right Time**: Find a moment when you both are relaxed and not in a rush. 2. **Be Honest and Direct**: Use “I” statements to express your feelings without placing blame. For example, “I really enjoy our conversations, but I sometimes find social interactions overwhelming at the end of the day because my energy is low.” 3. **Explain Your Need for Routine**: You might say something like, “I have a specific routine that helps me manage my day, and I’ve noticed that I feel better sticking to it, especially during pickup time.” 4. **Suggest Alternatives**: Offer to chat at another time when you feel more up to it. For instance, “I’d love to catch up after we pick up the kids or on weekends when I have more energy to talk!” 5. **Reassure Your Friend**: Let her know that you value her friendship. A simple statement like, “I appreciate your understanding and support,” can go a long way. Here’s a possible way to phrase it all together: “Hey [Friend's Name], I really value our friendship, and I enjoy talking to you. I want to share something personal — I often feel overwhelmed at the end of the day, and I need some quiet time to recharge. So, during pickup, I might not be the most chatty, but I hope we can catch up more later, like after school or on weekends. Thanks for understanding!” This way, you’re being upfront while also being considerate of her feelings.