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Can you make a detailed, exegetical, alliterated and expository baptist sermon about Proverbs 16:3?

Certainly! Below is a detailed, exegetical, alliterated, and expository sermon based on Proverbs 16:3, which states: "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans" (NIV). --- ### Sermon Title: **Commending Our Commitments to Christ** **Introduction:** Good morning, church family! Today, we turn our hearts and minds to a profound yet practical piece of wisdom from the book of Proverbs. Our guiding verse is Proverbs 16:3: “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” This verse serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of dedication to God in all aspects of our lives. Let’s delve into this scripture with three key observations, each focusing on a word or concept that will help us understand how our commitments can align with God’s purpose. **I. The Call to Commit (Commitment)** - **Definition of Commitment**: To commit means to dedicate, to entrust, or to engage in. This is not a passive act but an intentional devotion of our actions, plans, and lives to God. - **Scriptural Context**: Proverbs is filled with wisdom literature, encouraging us to live righteously. The preceding verses discuss the sovereignty of God and the folly of relying solely on our understanding. By committing our work to the Lord, we recognize His authority over our endeavors. - **Illustration**: Imagine a child giving their first drawing to a parent. That act of commitment includes trust and belonging. Similarly, when we commit our plans to God, we give Him ownership of our lives and desires. - **Application**: Reflect on your daily routines. Are you merely going through the motions, or are you actively committing your tasks—big and small—to the Lord? **II. The Content of Our Commitments (Concentration)** - **What Are We Committing?**: The verse instructs us to commit "whatever you do." This means everything—including our jobs, relationships, and personal pursuits should be brought under God’s authority. - **Holistic Approach**: The Bible emphasizes that our lives consist of various spheres: spiritual, professional, relational, and social. We must concentrate all aspects on glorifying Him. - **Illustration**: Consider a farmer who plants seeds. He cannot ensure growth, but he can commit his efforts to cultivating the land, trusting in God for the harvest. Our commitments are like seeds that God nurtures. - **Application**: Take an inventory of your commitments. Are you concentrating on areas where you’ve not yet surrendered to Christ? Bring them before Him today and seek His guidance. **III. The Confidence in His Care (Confidence)** - **Assurance of Establishment**: The latter part of the verse promises, “and he will establish your plans.” This gives us confidence that when we commit to the Lord, He takes our efforts and aligns them with His divine purpose and timing. - **God’s Sovereignty**: This is a profound comfort. God isn’t just a bystander in our plans; He is actively involved, shaping and directing our paths as we yield to Him. - **Illustration**: Think of a navigational system that recalibrates your route. When you make a commitment to God, He not only charts the course but recalibrates as needed, weaving our lives into His perfect plan. - **Application**: Have you been anxious about your future? Trust in this promise! Take a step of faith today by bringing your worries and dreams before the Lord, allowing Him to establish them according to His will. **Conclusion:** Beloved, as we conclude our time together, let us remember that our lives flourish when we commend our commitments to Christ. We’ve seen the importance of commitment, the breadth of what we are to commit, and the confidence we can have in God’s care. **Call to Action:** Let’s make a conscious decision to recommit our tasks and lives to God. Let’s take a moment in prayer to lay our plans at His feet. As you go forth this week, may you live with the assurance that when you commit your way to the Lord, He will establish your steps. Let’s pray. --- This structure provides a comprehensive approach to preaching on Proverbs 16:3, helping the congregation understand the significance of committing their lives and work to God.