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Rant about how we are on our practical year in school— IT(industrial training), and there’s this particular course on entrepreneurial development. We were divided in groups and We were asked to come up with an innovation that would be of benefit to our f

Oh, where do I even begin with this whole ordeal of our practical year in school?! Seriously, why does everything feel like a rollercoaster ride of stress and excitement all mixed into one? First, we spend all this time grappling with theories and notes, then we get thrown into this IT (industrial training) gig where everything is supposed to come together. It sounds great, right? But just wait for it! Now, let’s talk about that entrepreneurial development course. I mean, what a time to be alive! They divide us into groups and expect us to magically conjure up an innovation for the field of Agriculture in just four weeks. Did they forget we’re just students trying to wade through the thick waters of academic pressure? It’s insane! We were given this enormous task, and with everyone buzzing about how important innovation is in today's world, you can’t help but feel the weight pressing down on your shoulders. Week after week, we met, debated, brainstormed, and sometimes even nearly lost our minds over this project. You know what it feels like to be stuck in a room filled with passionate individuals trying to put their genius ideas into something cohesive? It’s thrilling but oh-so-exhausting. And let’s not even start with the inevitable disagreements that come when everyone thinks their idea is the best. You almost want to rip your hair out sometimes! But today, oh today was the day of reckoning! We finally presented our innovations, and can I just say— WOW! Every group really dug deep and churned out some incredible concepts. I mean, it was like watching the culmination of all our hard work, sleepless nights, and moments of sheer panic unfold right in front of us. Everyone had some unique, brilliant idea that they poured their heart and soul into. That’s the catch! Amidst the chaos, we created something amazing, something that could genuinely benefit our field. Yet, as we wrapped up the presentations, a mixed bag of pride and bitterness washed over me. Because while it was incredible to see everyone’s effort recognized, I couldn’t shake the feeling of "Why didn’t we get graded on the stress levels we endured?" Our mental fortitude should have earned us an additional A+. Seriously, after battling through brainstorming nightmares and frustration sessions, we deserved extra credit just for surviving this process! At the end of the day, yes, we pulled it off, but let’s be real. This entrepreneurial development course wasn’t just about innovation; it was a test of our sanity! So here’s to the chaos of collaborative education and to everyone who made it through this crazy ride. May our innovations thrive, and may we survive the journey without losing all our marbles!