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Make budget planner with income $1,000 weekly with weekly fix spending rent house $130 utilities $35 rent car $36 petrol $12

Creating a budget planner is a great way to manage your finances effectively. Here's a simple budget planner based on your provided income and fixed expenses. ### Weekly Budget Planner **Weekly Income:** - Total Income: **$1,000** **Fixed Weekly Expenses:** 1. Rent (house): **$130** 2. Utilities: **$35** 3. Rent (car): **$36** 4. Petrol: **$12** **Total Fixed Expenses:** - Total Fixed Expenses = $130 + $35 + $36 + $12 = **$213** **Remaining Amount After Fixed Expenses:** - Remaining Income = Total Income - Total Fixed Expenses - Remaining Income = $1,000 - $213 = **$787** ### Optional Variable Expenses You might want to allocate some of your remaining amount for variable expenses and savings. Here’s a suggestion on how to allocate the remaining funds: 1. **Groceries:** $100 2. **Savings:** $200 3. **Entertainment:** $100 4. **Dining Out:** $50 5. **Personal Expenses:** $50 6. **Miscellaneous:** $50 7. **Emergency Fund:** $37 ### Summary of Your Weekly Budget | Category | Amount ($) | |------------------------------|--------------| | **Weekly Income** | **1,000** | | **Fixed Expenses** | | | - Rent (house) | 130 | | - Utilities | 35 | | - Rent (car) | 36 | | - Petrol | 12 | | **Total Fixed Expenses** | **213** | | **Remaining Income** | **787** | | **Variable Expenses** | | | - Groceries | 100 | | - Savings | 200 | | - Entertainment | 100 | | - Dining Out | 50 | | - Personal Expenses | 50 | | - Miscellaneous | 50 | | - Emergency Fund | 37 | | **Total Variable Expenses** | **637** | | **Total Expenses** | **850** | | **Remaining Balance** | **150** | ### Final Thoughts 1. **Track Your Spending:** Make sure to keep track of your spending in each category to ensure you stick to your budget. 2. **Adjust as Necessary:** If you find that you consistently overspend in certain areas, adjust your budget accordingly. 3. **Review Regularly:** Review your budget every month to ensure it is still working for you. Feel free to adjust the variable expenses according to your priorities or needs!