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Make budget planner to save $500 with income $1,000 weekly with weekly fix spending rent house $130 utilities $35 rent car $36 petrol $12

Creating a budget planner to save $500 from a weekly income of $1,000 involves understanding your fixed and variable expenses. Here's a simple breakdown of your weekly income, fixed expenses, and a suggested savings plan. ### Weekly Budget Planner #### Income - **Total Income**: $1,000 #### Fixed Expenses - **Rent (House)**: $130 - **Utilities**: $35 - **Rent (Car)**: $36 - **Petrol**: $12 **Total Fixed Expenses**: $130 + $35 + $36 + $12 = **$213** #### Remaining Income After Fixed Expenses - **Remaining Income**: $1,000 - $213 = **$787** #### Savings Goal - **Weekly Savings Goal**: $500 #### Remaining Income After Savings - **Remaining After Savings**: $787 - $500 = **$287** #### Summary 1. **Total Income**: $1,000 2. **Total Fixed Expenses**: $213 3. **Total Savings Goal**: $500 4. **Remaining Funds After Savings**: $287 ### Suggested Budget Breakdown - **Income**: $1,000 - **Expenses**: - Rent (House): $130 - Utilities: $35 - Rent (Car): $36 - Petrol: $12 - **Total Expenses**: $213 - **Savings**: $500 - **Discretionary Spending**: $287 ### Tips for Achieving Your Savings Goal 1. **Track Spending**: Keep track of any additional expenses or discretionary spending to ensure you stay within your budget. 2. **Cut Unnecessary Costs**: Review your discretionary spending and see if there are areas you can cut back on, which can increase your savings. 3. **Emergency Fund**: Consider allocating a portion of your remaining income to an emergency fund if you don’t have one already. 4. **Review Weekly**: At the end of each week, review your budget to see if you stayed on track and adjust for the next week if necessary. Using this budget planner, you will successfully meet your savings goal of $500 each week while managing your essential expenses.