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js how to get the value results of the get request, for example: i want to display a value i got from "creation-date"

To retrieve the value of a specific field, such as "creation-date", from a GET request in JavaScript, you'll typically use the Fetch API. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this. ### Example Scenario Let's assume you are making a GET request to a JSON API, and you expect the response to contain a field called "creation-date". Here’s how you can do it: ### Step-by-Step Guide 1. **Make the GET request using Fetch**. 2. **Handle the response** to extract the JSON data. 3. **Access the value of "creation-date"** and display it. ### Example Code Here’s a sample code snippet that demonstrates this: ```javascript // Define the URL for the GET request const url = ''; // Function to fetch data async function fetchData() { try { // Make the GET request const response = await fetch(url); // Check if the response is ok (status code 200-299) if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`); } // Parse the response as JSON const data = await response.json(); // Access the "creation-date" field const creationDate = data['creation-date']; // Display the value console.log('Creation Date:', creationDate); } catch (error) { // Handle errors console.error('Error fetching data:', error); } } // Call the function to fetch data fetchData(); ``` ### Explanation: 1. **Fetch**: The `fetch` function initiates a network request to the specified URL. 2. **Response Handling**: The `.ok` property checks if the response indicates success (status in the range 200-299), otherwise it throws an error. 3. **JSON Parsing**: The `.json()` method reads the response body and parses it as JSON. 4. **Accessing Field**: The value of "creation-date" is accessed from the parsed data object. 5. **Logging to Console**: The value is logged to the console. You could also update the DOM or do other things with the value as needed. ### Notes: - Make sure to replace `` with your actual API URL. - If the "creation-date" field may not exist in all responses, you might want to add additional checks before trying to access it. - Ensure that the API you are accessing allows CORS requests if you are calling it from a web application.