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Rephrase “Reduced healthcare utilization, long distance to health facilities discourages individuals from regularly accessing preventive care, routine check-ups, and emergency services in the municipality. This indicate that greater travel time and costs

1. Limited healthcare access: The distance to healthcare facilities discourages people from regularly seeking preventive care, routine check-ups, and emergency services in the area. This suggests that longer travel times and higher costs are linked to lower usage rates of essential healthcare services, like antenatal care and facility-based births. For example, women who live more than 6 kilometers from a health facility are less likely to give birth in a medical facility compared to those who live closer. 2. Delayed care-seeking: Long distances and poor access to care often lead individuals to delay their decision to seek medical help, reach a healthcare facility, and receive necessary treatment. People may travel long distances, often postponing seeking care until their condition worsens, which can result in worse health outcomes. This highlights the significant challenges faced by elderly beneficiaries of social welfare programs in accessing health services due to the distance to healthcare facilities, leading to delayed care and inadequate health management. 3. Health inequalities: Remote areas like Valepale often have limited access to healthcare services, and residents frequently belong to marginalized groups, which deepens existing health inequalities. Poor accessibility perpetuates a cycle of disadvantage, where access to quality care is restricted, resulting in poorer health outcomes and a lack of preventive services. 4. Worsening health disparities: Poor access to healthcare disproportionately impacts vulnerable groups, such as those living in remote regions or from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. This lack of access contributes to widening health disparities within Valepale, as these groups are less likely to receive timely care and preventive services. Tackling these accessibility issues is vital for promoting fairness in healthcare access and improving overall health for the population.