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how to use Network Distance to Closest Facility in arcmap 10.8

To use the **Network Distance to Closest Facility** tool in ArcMap 10.8, follow these steps: ### Prerequisites: 1. **ArcGIS License**: Ensure you have the Network Analyst extension activated. 2. **Data**: You should have a network dataset prepared (e.g., roads, pathways) and a set of facilities and demand points (the locations you want to analyze). ### Steps to Use the Network Distance to Closest Facility Tool: 1. **Activate Network Analyst**: - Go to **Customize** > **Extensions** and ensure the **Network Analyst** extension is checked. 2. **Add Network Analyst Toolbar**: - If the Network Analyst toolbar is not displayed, go to **Customize** > **Toolbars** > select **Network Analyst**. 3. **Create a New Network Analysis Layer**: - On the Network Analyst toolbar, click the **Network Analyst dropdown** (the icon with a Network Analyst symbol). - Select **Closest Facility** from the list to create a new Closest Facility layer. 4. **Add Facilities and Demand Points**: - **Add Facilities**: Right-click on the **Facilities** layer in the **Table of Contents** and select **Load Locations** or **Add Locations**. You can load points from an existing feature layer (like your facility points). - **Add Demand Points**: Follow a similar process for **Demand Points** to add your analysis points (the locations from which you want to find the closest facilities). 5. **Set up Properties** (Optional): - Right-click the **Closest Facility Layer** and select **Properties**. Here, you can adjust settings such as impedance (e.g., time, distance). - You can also configure where the results are stored and how many closest facilities to find per demand point. 6. **Solve the Analysis**: - Once your facilities and demand points are loaded and configured, click the **Solve** button on the Network Analyst toolbar. The tool will process the analysis and find the nearest facilities. 7. **View Results**: - The output will be displayed as a new route in your map. It typically shows the connections from each demand point to its closest facility, along with attributes for distances and travel times. 8. **Export Results** (Optional): - You can export the results to a new feature class or table by right-clicking on the solved route or closest facility results and selecting **Export**. ### Tips: - **Check Network Dataset**: Ensure that your network dataset is correctly configured with all necessary attributes (e.g., travel time, distance) to get meaningful results. - **Visualize**: Use symbology on your results layer to better visualize the connections and distances. - **Troubleshoot**: If you encounter issues, check that all layers are in the same coordinate system and that the network dataset is correctly set up. By following these steps, you should be able to effectively use the Network Distance to Closest Facility tool in ArcMap 10.8 to analyze and visualize proximity relationships in your spatial data.