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whitch toolbox is usefull for draw route between some points in a point layer to some point to another point layer with polyline layer

To draw routes between points in one point layer to another point layer using a polyline layer, several tools and libraries can be useful depending on your specific requirements and environment. Here are some popular options: ### Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Software: 1. **ArcGIS**: - Use the **Network Analyst** extension to calculate the best route between points. You can create a route layer that visualizes paths between multiple points. 2. **QGIS**: - Utilize plugins like **pgRouting** (for PostgreSQL/PostGIS setups) or **QGIS's "Shortest Path" tool** in the Processing Toolbox. ### Programming Libraries: 1. **Leaflet.js**: - A popular JavaScript library for interactive maps. You can use it alongside routing libraries like **Leaflet Routing Machine** to calculate and display routes. 2. **OpenLayers**: - Another JavaScript library that supports routing with capabilities. You might integrate with routing services like OSRM (Open Source Routing Machine). 3. **Google Maps API**: - If you’re working with a web application, you can use Google Maps JavaScript API to compute and visualize routes between points. 4. **OSRM (Open Source Routing Machine)**: - An option if you need to implement routing in your applications without relying on external services. You can set it up on your own server and query routes for your points. 5. **GraphHopper**: - Another routing library you can self-host, which allows for drawing routes using various transport modes. ### Desktop or Web-based Alternatives: 1. **Mapbox**: - Use the Mapbox Directions API to calculate routes and visualize them on the map. 2. **CartoDB**: - If you are working with spatial data, Carto's features can also help visualize connections between different points. ### Steps to Follow: 1. **Load the Data**: Import your point layers into the appropriate software or library. 2. **Define the Routes**: Use the corresponding methods or functions from the libraries mentioned to define routes between the points in your layers. 3. **Draw the Polylines**: Visualize these routes as polylines on the map or your working environment. 4. **Customize and Save**: Add any additional styling or analysis you need, then save or export your results as needed. Choose the toolbox that best suits your particular use case, environment, and familiarity with the technology. Update (2024-09-08): In ArcMap 10.8, to draw routes between points in one layer to points in another layer using a polyline layer, you typically use the **Network Analyst** extension. This toolkit is specifically designed for routing and network analysis and is useful for finding the best routes between points based on a transport network. Here’s how you can use Network Analyst to accomplish this: 1. **Enable Network Analyst**: Make sure the Network Analyst extension is enabled in your ArcMap by going to `Customize` > `Extensions` and checking `Network Analyst`. 2. **Add a Network Dataset**: You need to have a network dataset that models the streets or paths you want to use for routing. You can create or load an existing network dataset in your project. 3. **Create a New Network Analysis Layer**: - Go to the Network Analyst toolbar and click on `Network Analyst` > `New Route`. - This will create a new Route layer in your table of contents. 4. **Load Input Points**: - On the Route layer, load your input points (the first point layer) by right-clicking on the "Stops" layer under the Route and selecting `Load Locations`. You can load locations from your point features. 5. **Load Output Points**: - If you have another set of points to connect (the second point layer), you can add those to the Stops layer by repeating the loading process. 6. **Solve the Route**: - After loading your points, click the `Solve` button on the Network Analyst toolbar. ArcMap will compute the best route considering your specified parameters (e.g., time, distance). 7. **Export Polylines**: - Once you have the route calculated, you can export the resulting polyline features by right-clicking on the Route layer and selecting `Export` > `Data`. This process will create a polyline layer representing the routes between the points in your two layers. Make sure to check for any additional settings or attributes in the Network Analyst that may affect how your routes are calculated, like travel direction, impedances, etc. Update (2024-09-08): In ArcMap 10.8, to draw a route between points in one point layer to points in another point layer using a polyline layer, you can use the **Network Analyst** extension. Here are the steps to achieve this: 1. **Enable Network Analyst**: First, make sure that the Network Analyst extension is enabled. You can do this by going to `Customize` > `Extensions` and checking the box for Network Analyst. 2. **Prepare Your Data**: - Ensure that you have a network dataset created. This is essential for routing purposes. If you do not have a network dataset, you will need to create one based on your road or pathway data. - Add your point layers (origin and destination points) to your map. 3. **Create a New Network Analyst Layer**: - Go to `Network Analyst` on the toolbar and select `New Route`. This creates a new route analysis layer in your table of contents. - A new layer will be added to your map with a series of additional layers (like Stops, Routes, etc.). 4. **Add Stops**: - Right-click on the `Stops` layer in the Network Analyst layer and select `Load Locations`. - You can then choose your point layer containing the origin points as well as the destination points. This will add the locations to the Stops layer. 5. **Solve the Route**: - With your stops defined, right-click on the `Route` layer and select `Solve`. - The system will calculate the best route based on your network dataset and the points provided. 6. **Display the Results**: - The calculated route will be displayed as a polyline layer on your map. You can further customize the appearance of this layer using the Layer Properties. 7. **Export the Results** (if necessary): - If you wish to save the route as a separate layer, you can right-click on the `Route` layer, select `Data`, and then choose `Export Data`. This process allows you to effectively visualize and analyze routes between various points on your map using ArcMap 10.8. If you need to optimize the routes further or adjust parameters, network analysis settings offer a variety of options to enhance your analysis. Update (2024-09-08): In ArcMap 10.8, if you want to draw routes between points in one layer to points in another layer and represent these routes as polylines, you can use several tools in combination. Here are steps and toolsets that could be useful for your task: 1. **Network Analysis Tools**: - **Network Analyst Extension**: Ensure that you have the Network Analyst extension enabled. This extension is specifically designed for route analysis and can be used to find the best routes between points. - **Create Network Dataset**: If you haven’t already, you need to create a network dataset from your roads or pathways layer. This dataset will allow you to analyze routes effectively. - **Make Route Layer**: Use the "Make Route Layer" tool after loading your point layers into the Network Analyst. You'll create a route layer to analyze the connections between your points. 2. **Spatial Analyst Tools** (Optional): - If you need to perform complex spatial analyses, the Spatial Analyst toolbox can complement your work, especially for distance calculations that aren't related to a network. 3. **Point to Line Conversion**: - Once you've analyzed the routes and obtained the routes using the Network Analyst, you'll typically have a polyline feature that represents your calculated routes. You can export this route or convert it into a line feature if necessary. ### Steps to Follow: 1. Ensure the Network Analyst extension is activated (Customize > Extensions). 2. Prepare your point layers (origin and destination points). 3. Create or prepare a Network Dataset. 4. Use the **Network Analyst Toolbar** to create a new route layer. 5. Load your origin and destination points into the route layer. 6. Solve the route to find the paths. 7. Export the resulting line features to your desired format. ### Additional Tips: - If you don’t have access to Network Analyst, consider using basic geoprocessing tools for spatial joins or coordinate geometry, but note it won't provide the same efficiency in routing. - Familiarize yourself with the various options/settings within the Network Analyst tools to optimize for your specific routing needs. This approach should facilitate creating routes and producing a polyline layer representing your desired routes between the points across your two layers. Update (2024-09-08): In ArcMap 10.8, the **Network Analyst** toolset within the **ArcGIS** toolbox is the most useful for drawing routes between points from one layer to points in another layer, represented as polylines. Here’s a general approach to accomplish this: ### Steps to Use Network Analyst for Route Creation: 1. **Prepare Your Data:** - Ensure you have two point layers (origin points and destination points) and a line layer that represents the street network. 2. **Enable Network Analyst:** - If the Network Analyst toolbar is not visible, enable it by going to `Customize` > `Toolbars` > `Network Analyst`. 3. **Create a Network Analysis Layer:** - On the Network Analyst toolbar, click on `Network Analyst` > `New Route` to create a new route analysis layer. - This layer will utilize your polyline layer (street network) as its network dataset. 4. **Load Your Points:** - Right-click on the newly created Route layer and select `Add Locations`. - Add your origin points by choosing the respective point layer, and repeat the process to add destination points. 5. **Set Solver Parameters:** - You can set various parameters like travel time or distance by right-clicking on the Route layer and selecting `Properties`. Adjust the cost attribute as necessary for your analysis. 6. **Solve the Route:** - After adding both origin and destination points, click on the `Solve` button on the Network Analyst toolbar. This will calculate the best routes based on the parameters set. 7. **Display the Results:** - Once the analysis is completed, you can symbolize the route results as desired, often defaulting to a distinct color for visualizing the pathways on your map. 8. **Export or Save the Results:** - If needed, you can export the resulting routes as a new shapefile or feature class for further analysis or mapping. ### Additional Notes: - Make sure your street network is properly configured and is accessible for the Network Analyst to perform the routing. - Review the attribute fields in your polyline layer to ensure they contain the necessary information (like travel cost, distance, etc.) for the analysis. By using Network Analyst, you can efficiently analyze and visualize routes between multiple points across different layers in ArcMap 10.8.