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Generate me all sound effects of the custom character Baeilooner, who chews gum a lot. Baeilooner has 19 sound effects. 7 of them is him apologizing to the player for the gum hitting the player, 1 is him chewing gum, 10 is him saying random quotes for fun

Sure! Here’s a list of 19 sound effects for Baeilooner, the gum-chewing character: ### Apology Sound Effects (7) 1. "Oops! Sorry about that, my gum got a little too enthusiastic!" 2. "My bad! Didn't mean to stick you with my bubble!" 3. "Whoa! Didn't see you there. Pardon my gum attack!" 4. "Yikes! Sorry! That gum has a mind of its own!" 5. "Hey, I’m really sorry for that gummy surprise!" 6. "I didn’t mean to pop you! Sincere apologies!" 7. "Oopsie daisy! Hope that gum didn’t ruin your day!" ### Chewing Sound Effect (1) 1. *Sound of Baeilooner chewing gum* (could include slurping, popping, and smacking sounds) ### Random Quotes for Fun (10) 1. "Chewing gum is a piece of cake!" 2. "Life's like bubble gum—it's all about blowing it big!" 3. "Stick with it, just like my gum!" 4. "Don’t worry, be happy! And chew gum while you're at it!" 5. "When life gives you lemons, chew gum instead!" 6. "Taking it one chew at a time!" 7. "I’m all ears, but chewing gum helps me think!" 8. "Just keep chewing and carry on!" 9. "A bubble a day keeps the frown away!" 10. "Gum it up! Life’s too short for boring flavors!" ### Onomatopoeia Sound Effect (1) 1. *"Pop!"* (Sound of a bubble bursting) These sound effects should give Baeilooner a fun personality that fits his gum-chewing character!