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What will people's reaction be if you tickle their neck first instead of others when tickling them

Reactions to being tickled can vary widely from person to person, and the neck is a particularly sensitive area for many. If you tickle someone on the neck first, they might react with surprise or laughter due to the unexpectedness and sensitivity of that area. Some people may feel more ticklish around their neck, while others may not enjoy it as much and could react defensively or feel discomfort. Overall, individual personalities, sensitivities, and comfort levels greatly influence their reaction. It’s essential to ensure that the other person is comfortable with being tickled and to be mindful of their boundaries. Update (2024-07-23): Reactions to being tickled can vary widely depending on the individual and their sensitivity to tickling. If you tickle someone on the neck first, they might react with surprise or laughter, as the neck is often a sensitive area for many people. However, the specific response will depend on the person’s ticklishness, personal boundaries, and comfort level with the situation. Some may find it playful and enjoyable, while others might feel uncomfortable or annoyed. It's always important to ensure that the other person is receptive to being tickled, as not everyone enjoys it. Update (2024-07-23): Reactions to being tickled, including being tickled on the neck, can vary widely from person to person. Generally, the neck is a sensitive area, and many people may react with surprise or laughter if tickled there first. Some might feel a ticklish sensation that can elicit laughter or squirming, while others might find it uncomfortable or even annoying. It's important to note that tickling can be a playful gesture for some but can also lead to discomfort or anxiety for others, especially if they don't appreciate being tickled. Context, consent, and individual boundaries play significant roles in how tickling is received. Always be mindful of the other person's comfort level!