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Why in the book "guide to the East" did a woman in a hijab touch the genitals of a naked boy after circumcision? Excerpt - a woman in an orange hijab approached the boy and gently touched his genitals with a pitying hand, the boy moved, and she immediatel

In literature, actions and behaviors of characters can often serve multiple symbolic and thematic purposes. The scene you mentioned from "Guide to the East," with a woman touching the genitals of a boy after circumcision, might reflect a variety of cultural, social, or emotional themes. 1. **Cultural Context**: In some cultures, rituals surrounding circumcision are deeply significant and involve a range of feelings and responses from those present. The woman's action may reflect a culturally specific attitude toward the rites of passage that boys undergo. 2. **Emotion and Empathy**: The act of gently touching the boy could signal empathy or care. Her pitying gesture might suggest an acknowledgment of the pain or vulnerability associated with the circumcision experience. 3. **Body and Identity**: The scene could explore themes of bodily autonomy and the intersection of gender, sexuality, and identity in the context of religious or cultural practices. 4. **Symbolism**: The touch might symbolize a transition or acknowledgment of the boy's new status following the circumcision, a moment of recognizing the complexities of growing up in a cultural context that observes such rites. Without further context from the book, it’s hard to provide a definitive explanation. The interpretation of such actions can vary widely based on the themes, characters, and cultural settings presented by the author.