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Is it correct to say or can it be rephrased and what does it mean? “Aww! Watching this gave me goosebumps”

Yes, it's correct to say "Aww! Watching this gave me goosebumps," and it can be rephrased in several ways. Meanings: - The expression conveys that the content being watched (like a video, movie, or performance) was emotionally moving, exciting, or impressive enough to evoke a physical reaction, commonly known as "goosebumps." Rephrased options include: - "Wow! This made my skin tingle." - "Aww! This was so touching that I got goosebumps." - "Oh my! Watching this gave me chills." - "That was so moving; I got goosebumps!" All these phrases express a similar sentiment of being emotionally affected by what was viewed.