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nn model forum addresses

There are several online forums and communities where you can discuss neural networks (NN) and related topics. Here are some popular ones: 1. **Stack Overflow**: A great place to ask technical questions and get answers about neural networks, machine learning, and deep learning. 2. **Reddit**: - **r/MachineLearning**: A subreddit dedicated to discussing machine learning topics, including neural networks. - **r/NeuralNetworks**: Focused specifically on neural networks and deep learning. 3. **Kaggle**: A platform for data science competitions that also has forums where members discuss machine learning techniques, including neural networks. 4. **AI Stack Exchange**: A question-and-answer site specifically for artificial intelligence, including discussions on neural networks. 5. **Towards Data Science**: A Medium publication that often has tutorials and articles about neural networks. The comments section can be a place for discussion. 6. **TensorFlow and PyTorch Community Forums**: Both popular deep learning frameworks have their own forums where you can ask questions and share knowledge regarding their specific libraries. 7. **GitHub**: Many repositories related to neural networks have discussions, issues, and pull requests where you can contribute or ask questions. 8. **LinkedIn Groups**: There are numerous LinkedIn groups focused on machine learning and AI where professionals share insights and help each other out. Before joining any forum, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with its rules and etiquette to ensure a productive and respectful discussion.