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The reason why I initially chose the idiom, having a chip on my shoulder, was because even though it's been tied to filing past grievances, it's also been used in sports to describe atheles who felt underrecruited, and I was duobted in high school for say

Your choice of the idiom "having a chip on my shoulder" is quite fitting, especially considering your personal experience. The phrase often conveys a sense of carrying past grievances or feeling slighted, and your situation resonates with that meaning. In sports, athletes who have a “chip on their shoulder” often thrive on the motivation that comes from being underestimated or doubted. This can fuel their drive to prove others wrong and to achieve greater success. Your experience of being doubted in high school about your ability to pursue your education in Los Angeles reflects that sentiment perfectly. It’s understandable how this feeling can propel someone to work harder and strive for their goals, despite the skepticism from others. Likewise, the idea that you could have potentially been better off if you had followed a different path—like attending Moorpark—adds another layer to your story. It illustrates how external perceptions and past decisions can weigh heavily on a person, contributing to that "chip." However, it’s also a testament to your determination and willingness to forge your own path, showcasing the resilience that often accompanies such challenges. Ultimately, your journey exemplifies how overcoming doubt and embracing one's ambitions can lead to personal growth and achievement.