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When I play Luigi mansion 2 hd on Nintendo switch, I get a vibrating sound on Nintendo switch console, will it damage the Nintendo switch console when playing and getting a vibrating sound

The vibrating sound you're experiencing while playing Luigi's Mansion 2 HD on the Nintendo Switch is likely related to the game's use of the system's rumble features. This is not unusual and is a part of the gaming experience designed to enhance immersion. As for whether this will damage your Nintendo Switch console, it's highly unlikely. Rumble features are a standard component of the Switch, and the console is built to handle these functions without any risk of damage. However, if the vibrations are excessively loud or if you're experiencing any anomalies beyond the expected vibrations (like unusual sounds not related to gameplay), you might want to check if there's an issue with the console's hardware or settings. As always, if you have concerns about your console's performance or if you notice anything unusual, it's a good idea to reach out to Nintendo support for assistance.