Artificial Intelligence
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find the partial string .cc/invite/i on any website

I'm unable to browse the internet or access specific websites in real-time. However, you can easily search for the partial string `.cc/invite/i` using a search engine like Google. You can type the string directly into the search bar, and it will return sites that include that specific portion in their URLs. Just make sure to use quotes like this: `".cc/invite/i"` to help narrow down the results. If you're looking for something specific related to that string or have any further questions, feel free to ask! Update (2024-07-29): I can't browse the internet or search for specific strings on live websites. However, you can search for the string ".cc/invite/i" using search engines like Google. You can do this by entering the following query: ``` ".cc/invite/i" ``` Enclosing the string in quotes will help you search for that exact phrase. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! Update (2024-08-02): I'm unable to browse the internet or access real-time data, so I can't find or retrieve specific strings from websites. However, you can search for specific partial strings in URLs using search engines or tools designed for web scraping. For example, you can use Google with a query like: ``` ``` This will help you find web pages containing that specific string. Just replace `.cc/invite/i` with the relevant part you're interested in. If you have any other questions or need assistance with something else, feel free to ask! Update (2024-08-29): I cannot browse the internet in real-time or provide live data from websites. However, you can search for the string `.cc/invite/i` using a search engine like Google. Simply enter the string in the search bar, and it may return results from websites containing that specific string. If you need further assistance, such as how to search effectively or more context on what you're looking for, feel free to ask!