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Story: The Virgin Mary put her hand on Jesus' hips

In a quiet village nestled among gently rolling hills, the sun set behind mountains that glimmered like jewels in the evening light. The soft glow of twilight enveloped the landscape, casting long shadows and filling the air with a sense of peace. In the heart of the village stood an ancient olive tree, its gnarled branches a testament to time and resilience. Underneath this tree, Mary gazed at her son, Jesus, as he spoke to a gathering of villagers. His words flowed like a river, bringing hope and understanding to those who listened. With each parable, the people leaned in closer, drawn to his wisdom and warmth. As the last rays of sunlight danced on the horizon, Mary approached Jesus. She felt a surge of love and pride, but also a mother’s concern as she sensed the challenges that lay ahead for him. Placing her hand on his hips, she drew him closer, her touch gentle yet reassuring. “Remember, my son,” she said softly, her voice warm like the evening breeze. “You carry not just your message, but the hopes and dreams of so many. They look to you for guidance in their darkness.” Jesus looked down at her, his eyes filled with understanding. He had always felt the weight of his purpose, but in that moment, with his mother’s hand resting on him, he felt a profound connection to her strength and love. “I know, Mother,” he replied, his voice steady. “I will carry their burdens, but I can only do so with the love and support of those around me.” Mary smiled, a mix of pride and concern in her heart. “You are never alone, my dear. We are all connected in this journey. Trust in that bond.” As the stars began to twinkle above, Jesus continued to share his teachings, but now, he felt infused with a greater sense of purpose—one that transcended his own being and united him with the people he was destined to serve. And with each word spoken, Mary’s hand on his hips served as a reminder of the love that rooted him, a love that would guide him through the trials yet to come. The night deepened, and the villagers dispersed, hearts lighter and spirits uplifted. Mary and Jesus remained under the olive tree for a while longer, wrapped in the warmth of their shared moment, knowing that together they could illuminate even the darkest of paths.