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What code of conduct did Paris violate in Sparta. Greek mythology.

In Greek mythology, Paris violated the code of conduct in Sparta primarily through his act of abducting Helen, the wife of Menelaus, the king of Sparta. This act is seen as a significant breach of hospitality and honor, which were highly valued in ancient Greek culture. According to the myth, Paris, a prince of Troy, was invited to a banquet in Sparta where he was received as a guest. During his stay, he declared his love for Helen and ultimately took her with him back to Troy, which was considered an egregious violation of guest-host relations (xenia) and marital fidelity. This act not only dishonored Menelaus but also ignited the Trojan War, as Menelaus, along with his brother Agamemnon, gathered Greek forces to retrieve Helen and avenge the insult. Thus, Paris's actions can be seen as a violation of both the expectations of honorable conduct in the context of hospitality and the sanctity of marriage.