Artificial Intelligence
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Story: A woman in a black coat approached the Cadillac car, sat down by the wheel, took out the keys and hit the wheel with them, trying to pierce the wheel with her other hand, touched the wheel

The cold metal of the keys stung her palm as she gripped them tightly, the sound of their clatter echoing through the empty parking lot. The woman in the black coat glared at the steering wheel, as if it had betrayed her. She was in the driver’s seat of the Cadillac, the leather cool beneath her fingers, but her heart was racing, wild with a mix of frustration and fear. With each hit of the keys against the wheel, she channeled her pent-up anger. Memories flooded back—choices made, paths taken, and the weight of secrets she carried. The wheel seemed to pulse under her touch, a steady reminder of her tumultuous journey. She took a deep breath, the scent of aged leather and anxiety filling her lungs. Desperate for clarity, she let her fingers brush over the wheel’s surface, searching for answers. The glossy finish shimmered under the flickering streetlights, and for a fleeting moment, she imagined it could reveal something hidden—some truth that would untangle the web of chaos in her life. What she really sought was not just to start the car, but to start anew, to break away from the shadows that clung to her like the fabric of her coat. But the wheel remained unyielding, and the night wrapped around her, heavy with unanswered questions. With a sigh, she paused, the silence of the night enveloping her thoughts. She would have to face her demons head-on, not just in this moment but in every moment to come. She slid the key into the ignition, heart pounding, ready to find out where the road might lead. The engine roared to life, and she steered her destiny into the unknown.