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Why demolish historical buildings in Basel after the Second World War, because the city was not damaged and Switzerland was not at war?

The demolition of historical buildings in Basel after the Second World War was not primarily due to the destruction caused by the war, as the city itself suffered relatively little damage. Instead, the motivations behind such demolitions were often related to post-war urban development, modernization, and changing attitudes towards historic preservation. 1. **Urban Development:** In the aftermath of the war, many cities, including Basel, sought to modernize and adapt to new urban planning ideals. This meant replacing older structures with new buildings that were seen as more functional and suitable for contemporary needs. 2. **Changing Architectural Trends:** The post-war period saw a shift in architectural styles and preferences, with a move towards modernism. This often led to the perception that older buildings were outdated or no longer fit for purpose. 3. **Economic Factors:** The need for economic growth and increased housing or commercial space often motivated municipal authorities to clear out older buildings. The belief was that new construction could stimulate the economy and provide more modern amenities. 4. **Cultural Attitudes:** There was a changing cultural attitude towards history and preservation during the mid-20th century. Many felt that historical buildings hindered progress and that creating a vibrant, modern city required a break from the past. 5. **Infrastructure Improvements:** Expanding infrastructure, such as roads and public transportation systems, sometimes necessitated the removal of existing buildings. While the demolition of historical buildings can be controversial and may lead to loss of cultural heritage, these decisions were often made in the context of the societal and economic pressures of the time. In recent years, there has been a stronger focus on preserving historical structures and integrating them into modern urban life, reflecting a shift in values regarding heritage conservation.