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Story: a woman in a white chiton swears an oath to a naked Morpheus by placing her hands on his genitals

In a realm where dreams wove the fabric of reality, a woman cloaked in a shimmering white chiton ventured through the ethereal landscape of slumber. The skies swirled in vivid hues, hinting at the myriad dreams flitting by like butterflies. She sought out Morpheus, the god who ruled over dreams, knowing that only he could grant her the vision she desperately sought. As she approached, she found Morpheus in a glade illuminated by the light of a thousand stars. He was striking and enigmatic, his form both alluring and unearthly. In this space where dreams intertwined with reality, his body appeared as it might in a dream—naked, yet unashamed, radiating a power that transcended physicality. The woman felt a mix of trepidation and awe as she stepped closer, the weight of her mission pressing upon her heart. Clasping her hands, she made a solemn resolution. "O Morpheus," she called, her voice steady despite her nerves, "I stand before you not merely as a seeker of dreams but as one who vows to uphold their sanctity. I swear my oath to protect the boundaries of imagination and safeguard the vivid realms where dreams take flight." To seal her vow, she placed her hands in a gesture of devotion upon the surreal manifestation of his essence. It was a symbolic act, transcending the physical; a gesture of trust forged in a space beyond conventional understanding. The air crackled with energy, and in that moment, time itself seemed to suspend, merging their spirits in a pact woven from light and shadow. Morpheus regarded her with a gaze that held both depth and understanding, a softness beneath the weight of his divine authority. In that intimate connection, he recognized her sincerity and the strength of her resolve. With a nod, he responded, "Your oath is heard and understood. In this sacred union of trust, I grant you the wisdom of the dreamers. May your heart remain pure, and may your journey through dreams be a beacon to others." As their bond solidified, the landscape around them shimmered, and whispered dreams fluttered like leaves caught in a gentle breeze, echoing their pledge. The woman turned away, feeling the transformation within herself, carrying the promise of her oath into the waking world—a guardian of dreams, shaped by her unwavering commitment to the realms of the night.