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what is __len__ in python? Explain with example

In Python, `__len__` is a special method (also known as a dunder method, short for "double underscore") that is used to define the behavior of the built-in `len()` function for instances of a class. When you implement `__len__` in your custom class, you allow Python to know how to compute the length of instances of that class. Here's a breakdown of how `__len__` works: - When you call `len(instance)` on an instance of a class, Python implicitly calls the instance's `__len__()` method. - The `__len__()` method should return an integer that represents the length or size of the object. ### Example Let's create a simple class called `MyList` that will have its own behavior for the `len()` function by implementing `__len__`. ```python class MyList: def __init__(self, values): self.values = values # Store a list of values def __len__(self): return len(self.values) # Return the length of the stored values # Create an instance of MyList my_list = MyList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # Use the len() function print(len(my_list)) # Output: 5 ``` ### Explanation of the Example: 1. **Initialization**: The `MyList` class has an `__init__` method that takes a list of values and stores it in an instance variable called `values`. 2. **Defining `__len__`**: The `__len__` method is defined to return the length of the list stored in `values`. It uses the built-in `len()` function to achieve this. 3. **Creating an Instance**: An instance of `MyList` is created with a list of integers. 4. **Getting Length**: When `len(my_list)` is called, it invokes `my_list.__len__()`, which returns `5`, the number of elements in the list. Hence, by implementing `__len__`, you can control how the length of your custom objects is computed, making your classes more Pythonic and intuitive to use. ### Additional Note: If you don't implement the `__len__` method in your custom class and you try to use `len()` on an instance of that class, it will raise a `TypeError`.