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Is it correct to say “I snapped on the Spanish part”? What does it mean?

The phrase "I snapped on the Spanish part" can be interpreted in a couple of ways, depending on the context. Generally, "snapped" can mean to suddenly become angry or to respond sharply to something. However, if you're referring to completing a task or performing well, it could mean that you excelled or did exceptionally well on the Spanish portion of something, like a test or presentation. If you're using "snapped" to indicate a sudden burst of proficiency or focus, it might be clearer to say something like "I nailed the Spanish part" or "I really focused on the Spanish part." If you meant it in the context of reacting to something angrily, it could be understood, but it may require more context for clarity. Overall, if you're referring to good performance, it might be better to choose a different verb to avoid potential confusion.