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Inventory list of Protected Trees in Northern Cape

The Northern Cape province in South Africa has various protected tree species, which are conservation priorities due to their ecological importance or cultural value. Here are some commonly recognized protected tree species within the province and broader South Africa that might be relevant: 1. **Baobab (Adansonia digitata)** - This iconic tree is known for its massive trunk and longevity. It is often found in arid and semi-arid regions. 2. **Camel Thorn (Vachellia erioloba)** - Recognized for its resilience in dry environments, the Camel Thorn is an important species in the Kalahari Desert. 3. **Kirkia wilmsii (Wild Pear)** - This tree is valued for its aesthetic qualities and ecological importance. 4. **Quiver Tree (Aloe dichotoma)** - This succulently occurs in several arid regions and is notable for its unique appearance. 5. **Sickle Bush (Dichroa febrifuga)** - While primarily a shrub, it can also grow into a small tree and plays a role in the local ecology where it is found. 6. **Spekboom (Portulacaria afra)** - While often treated as a bush or succulent, this plant is important for carbon sequestration and biodiversity. 7. **African Yellowwood (Podocarpus falcatus)** - A large, evergreen tree that is valued both ecologically and economically. 8. **Milkwood (Sideroxylon inerme)** - Usually found along coastal regions but can also appear in the Northern Cape, this tree is protected in many areas. In the Northern Cape, as elsewhere in South Africa, various regulations govern the protection of these and other species. Protected trees may not be cut down, damaged, or traded without appropriate permits. For a comprehensive inventory or specific legal details regarding the protection status of tree species in the Northern Cape, it is always best to refer to local regulations or consult the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF) or provincial conservation authorities.