Artificial Intelligence
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Introduction Identification cards give schools the ability to determine who should or shouldn't have access to certain areas of their campus and buildings. With modern school ID cards being equipped with access code systems,

# Chapter 3: Design and Methodology ## Introduction This chapter presents the design and methodology employed in the development of the "Student QR-Code System" for Western Mindanao Adventist Academy (WMAA). The Waterfall model is utilized as the framework for guiding the project’s design and implementation phases. This methodology is chosen due to its structured and sequential approach, which is well-suited for projects with clearly defined requirements and deliverables. ## Methodology The Waterfall model consists of several distinct phases: Requirement Analysis, System Design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance. Each phase must be completed before moving on to the next, ensuring a systematic progression throughout the project lifecycle. ### 3.1 Requirement Analysis In the initial phase, a thorough analysis of the system requirements was conducted through consultations with stakeholders, including school administrators, teachers, students, and parents. The objectives outlined in the previous chapter served as the basis for identifying both functional and non-functional requirements. The key requirements that emerged included: - **Functional Requirements:** - The application must allow students to scan their QR codes upon entering and exiting. - The system must send SMS notifications to parents regarding their children’s attendance. - It should maintain a database for tracking attendance records. - Administrators should have the ability to manage user accounts and access control. - **Non-Functional Requirements:** - The system should be user-friendly and intuitive for both students and staff. - It must operate reliably and securely without data loss. - The software should ensure data privacy and comply with applicable data protection regulations. ### 3.2 System Design Following the requirement analysis, the design phase focused on creating the architecture of the system. The design is visualized through several diagrams: - **Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD):** This diagram elucidates the relationships between entities such as students, teachers, administrators, parents, and attendance records at WMAA. - **Use Case Diagram:** This visual representation identifies the actors (students, teachers, parents, admins) and their interactions with the system. It outlines all use cases such as attendance tracking and SMS notifications. - **Activity Diagrams:** These diagrams detail the workflow of system functionalities. For example, an activity diagram illustrates the process of generating QR codes, and another depicts the attendance recording system. The design also included the specification of a Graphic User Interface (GUI) developed using Java FX, focusing on usability and accessibility to facilitate interaction among users. ### 3.3 Implementation The implementation phase involved the actual programming and coding of the application based on the specified designs. The following technologies and tools were utilized: - **Programming Language:** Java was selected as the programming language due to its robustness and cross-platform capabilities. - **Database Management System (DBMS):** MySQL was chosen for managing student and attendance data. The database schema was created based on the ERD, ensuring relationships among entities were accurately represented. - **QR Code Generation:** A library was implemented to facilitate the creation of unique QR codes for each student, ensuring that every student has a distinct identifier. - **SMS Notifications:** An SMS gateway API was integrated to send real-time notifications to parents when their child enters or exits the school. ### 3.4 Testing Testing was conducted in multiple stages to ensure the system meets all requirements and functionalities: - **Unit Testing:** Each module (attendance tracking, QR code scanning, notification system) was tested independently to ensure they function correctly. - **Integration Testing:** After unit tests, modules were integrated, and the system was tested as a whole to verify that all components worked together harmoniously. - **User Acceptance Testing (UAT):** Involving real users (teachers and administrators), this phase ensured that the system met user expectations and functional requirements. Feedback was collected to identify any issues or needed enhancements. ### 3.5 Deployment Upon successful testing, the system was deployed for actual use within WMAA. The deployment process included: - **Installation:** The application was installed on school computers and servers, ensuring all necessary configurations for database connections and network settings were established. - **Training Sessions:** Workshops and training sessions were conducted for teachers and administrators to familiarize them with the system's functionalities. - **Support and Documentation:** User manuals and support documents were provided to facilitate ease of use and provide troubleshooting guidance. ### 3.6 Maintenance The maintenance phase ensures the sustainability and continued functionality of the system post-deployment. This includes: - **Regular Updates:** Software updates based on user feedback and system performance. - **Technical Support:** Availability of support to address any technical issues reported by users. - **Monitoring and Evaluation:** Ongoing assessment of system performance and user satisfaction to ensure the system continuously meets the evolving needs of the school. ## Conclusion Through the systematic application of the Waterfall model, the design and methodology for the "Student QR-Code System" at Western Mindanao Adventist Academy have been meticulously structured. This structured approach not only provides a clear pathway for development but also ensures the system's alignment with the needs and objectives of its users. Each phase has been dedicated to delivering a comprehensive and efficient solution for attendance tracking and student identification, enhancing security and improving administrative processes at WMAA. Update (2024-07-27): Sure! Based on the information provided, here is a data flow diagram (DFD) focusing on the admin's role in the proposed Student QR-Code attendance system at Western Mindanao Adventist Academy (WMAA): ### Data Flow Diagram for Admin #### Level 0 - Context Diagram: This level provides an overview of the system, illustrating the interaction between the admin and external entities. ``` +----------------+ +-----------+ | Students | | Parents | +----------------+ +-----------+ | | | | | | +-------------+----------------------+ | | Student QR-Code System | | +-----------------+ | Admin | +-----------------+ ``` #### Level 1 - Data Flow Diagram: This level provides a more detailed view of the interactions and processes within the system. ``` +------------------------------------------+ | Admin | +------------------------------------------+ | 1. Set up and maintain student accounts | | 2. Update student and attendance records | | 3. Generate attendance reports | | 4. Send notifications to parents | +------------------------------------------+ | ^ | | | | v | +-----------------+ | | Student DB |<----+ +-----------------+ ^ | | +---------------------+ | Attendance | | Records | +---------------------+ ``` ### Explanation of the DFD: 1. **Entities**: - **Students**: Students use their QR codes to check in and out, which generates attendance data. - **Parents**: Parents receive SMS notifications regarding their child's attendance. 2. **Processes**: - **Admin**: The administrator is responsible for managing the entire system, including setting up the students' accounts, updating attendance records, generating reports, and notifying parents. 3. **Data Stores**: - **Student DB**: This is the database containing records for each student, including details like Student_ID, name, and attendance history. - **Attendance Records**: This data structure maintains the records of students’ attendance for each session, along with timestamps. 4. **Data Flows**: - The students' attendance data flows from the Student DB to the attendance records as students scan their QR codes. - The admin updates the student accounts and attendance records based on new data from the QR code scans. - The administration generates reports from the attendance records to analyze data as needed. - Notifications are created and sent to parents from the admin to inform them of their child's attendance status. This data flow diagram effectively represents the high-level processes involved in the proposed Student QR-Code attendance system, highlighting the key interactions between the admin, students, and parents.