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In 200 words provide Factors Influencing Reputation: Identify and discuss the key factors that influence corporate reputation.

Corporate reputation is vital for companies, impacting stakeholder trust and long-term success. Several key factors influence corporate reputation: 1. **Customer Experience**: The quality of products and services, customer service, and the overall buying experience heavily affect consumer perceptions. Positive interactions build trust and loyalty, while negative experiences can damage reputation. 2. **Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)**: Companies that engage in ethical practices, environmental sustainability, and community involvement tend to be viewed more favorably. CSR initiatives can enhance brand image and attract socially conscious consumers. 3. **Transparency and Communication**: Open and honest communication builds credibility. Companies that disclose information about operations, challenges, and successes foster trust and strengthen their reputation. 4. **Employee Engagement**: A motivated and satisfied workforce plays a significant role in building a positive corporate image. Happy employees often act as brand advocates, while low morale can lead to negative perceptions. 5. **Media Relations and Public Perception**: Media coverage can significantly shape public opinion. A proactive approach to managing media relations can help mitigate negative stories and promote positive narratives. 6. **Leadership and Governance**: Strong, ethical leadership reinforces a company’s values and mission, contributing to a solid reputation in the eyes of all stakeholders.