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Develop SMART broad and specific objectives of a concept proposal on the topic 500 youth walk and cry for a peaceful election in the wa, upper west region of Ghana by december 2024

Creating SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) for a concept proposal regarding the "500 Youth Walk and Cry for a Peaceful Election" involves detailing both broad and specific objectives. Below is an example of how you might structure these objectives. ### Broad Objectives: 1. **Promote Peaceful Elections**: To raise awareness and advocate for peaceful electoral processes among the youth in Wa, Upper West Region, Ghana, by December 2024. ### Specific Objectives: 1. **Youth Participation**: - **Specific**: Mobilize at least 500 youth participants in Wa to join the peaceful walk by November 2024. - **Measurable**: Track registrations and participation rates through online forms and physical sign-ups. - **Achievable**: Collaborate with local youth organizations, schools, and community leaders to ensure outreach and mobilization. - **Relevant**: Engaging the youth is crucial for instilling a culture of democracy and active citizenship. - **Time-bound**: Complete mobilization efforts by November 2024. 2. **Community Awareness Campaign**: - **Specific**: Conduct at least 5 community workshops and discussions on the importance of peaceful elections within the community by October 2024. - **Measurable**: Gather feedback through surveys before and after the workshops to evaluate the change in understanding and attitudes. - **Achievable**: Utilize local media, social media platforms, and partnerships with NGOs to promote these events. - **Relevant**: Education and awareness are essential components for engaging youth in the electoral process. - **Time-bound**: Implement the community workshops by October 2024. 3. **Creating Peaceful Messaging**: - **Specific**: Develop and distribute 2,000 materials (posters, flyers, social media content) promoting peaceful elections by November 2024. - **Measurable**: Count the number of materials distributed and track engagement stats on social media. - **Achievable**: Collaborate with local graphic designers and printers for the creation of materials. - **Relevant**: Visual and textual messaging can significantly influence public perceptions and behaviors. - **Time-bound**: Start distribution by September 2024, ensuring all materials are circulated before the election. 4. **Enable Youth Voices**: - **Specific**: Host a panel discussion involving influential speakers to discuss youth involvement in elections, scheduled for early December 2024. - **Measurable**: Aim to have at least 100 attendees and seek engagement through a question-and-answer segment. - **Achievable**: Partner with local educational institutions and community leaders to facilitate the event. - **Relevant**: Encouraging dialogue helps to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among youth regarding elections. - **Time-bound**: Organize and execute the event by early December 2024. 5. **Feedback and Evaluation**: - **Specific**: Conduct a post-event survey to assess the impact of the walk and workshops on youth perceptions of elections by December 2024. - **Measurable**: Aim for at least 70% of participants to respond to the survey. - **Achievable**: Utilize online platforms and physical forms to gather feedback effectively. - **Relevant**: Understanding the impact of these initiatives is essential for improving future efforts. - **Time-bound**: Complete the survey data collection and analysis by mid-December 2024. By framing the objectives in this manner, you create a clear, actionable path toward achieving your goal of mobilizing youth for a peaceful election in Wa, Upper West Region, Ghana by December 2024.