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Why did Jesus tell Mary Magdalene not to touch me?

The phrase "do not cling to me" or "do not touch me," attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John (John 20:17), occurs after His resurrection when Mary Magdalene encounters Him in the garden. The full context of this passage is significant: Jesus has just risen from the dead, and Mary is overjoyed to see Him, wanting to hold onto Him. The meaning behind Jesus' instruction can be interpreted in several ways: 1. **Transition to a New Relationship**: Some scholars suggest that Jesus was indicating a shift in relationship dynamics. After His resurrection, He would be working through the Holy Spirit, and the way His followers related to Him would change. 2. **Symbolic Interpretation**: The idea might also reflect the notion of not clinging to earthly relationships or moments. Jesus was ushering in a new covenant and a new way of relating to God. 3. **Reflection on Holiness and Access**: It can also be interpreted in a theological context where the resurrected Jesus represents a holy presence that transcends the physical touch, suggesting a need for reverence or a different kind of engagement. 4. **Completion of the Resurrection**: The statement can signify that Jesus had not yet ascended to the Father, indicating that there was an important transition still to occur. Overall, the passage is often viewed as a moment of revelation and transition, emphasizing the new reality of Christ's resurrection and the changing nature of His relationship with His followers.