Artificial Intelligence
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The job stayers scatter plot makes sense as job stayers saw a trend of median pay increase and the regression showed a positive slope. Simply put this makes sense as you would expect employees at a job to have an increase in pay each year. This pay increa

Certainly! Here’s a revised version of your text with grammatical and spelling corrections: --- The job stayers scatter plot makes sense, as job stayers saw a trend of median pay increases, and the regression showed a positive slope. Simply put, this makes sense, as one would expect employees at a job to receive an increase in pay each year. This pay increase could be due to several factors, including increased experience, skills, or promotions within the company. Like the job stayers plot, we see a trend for job changers, indicating an increase in median pay and a positive slope. This makes sense, as people who are changing jobs are often doing so to take on promotions or receive pay increases, and they generally would not move jobs willingly without an incentive, such as a pay increase. Age was an interesting variable to test, as the data showed a negative slope. Simply put, as you get older, the pay increases you experience become smaller. This makes logical sense: as you progress further in your career, promotions become fewer, it takes longer to acquire greater skills, and some individuals may find a role they are content in and prefer not to move on from. The changes in median pay by industry were very similar across the board, with the exception of the leisure and hospitality industry. This is understandable, as the dip was brought about by COVID-19, followed by a significant impulse increase due to the industry reopening. Outside of that, the industries followed a very similar trend in median price changes. The last independent variable examined was gender. This was surprising, as many would argue that there is a salary discrepancy that generally favors males. However, the median pay change showed that females had a slightly higher increase. Both genders saw a median pay increase each year, as one would expect. --- Let me know if you need any further assistance!