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how to select points on polygon according to priemeter in arcgis

In ArcGIS, if you want to select points on a polygon based on a perimeter (or other boundary conditions), you would typically follow a series of steps. Here’s a general approach using ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap: ### Selecting Points Based on a Polygon 1. **Load your Data:** - Load both the polygon layer (e.g., a shapefile, feature class) and the point layer that contains the points you want to select. 2. **Check Spatial Reference:** - Ensure that both layers share the same spatial reference; otherwise, perform necessary projections to align them. 3. **Use the Select by Location Tool:** - In ArcGIS Pro, navigate to the "Map" tab and look for the "Selection" group. - Choose "Select by Location." - In the dialog that appears, set the following parameters: - **Input Feature Layer:** Choose your point layer. - **Relation:** Select the spatial relationship that fits your needs (e.g., ‘Intersects’, ‘Within’, etc.). - **Selecting Features:** Choose your polygon layer. - Click “Apply” or “OK” to perform the selection. 4. **Using Attribute Query (if needed):** - If you have a specific attribute you want to apply after selecting by location, you can use the "Select by Attributes" tool. This allows you to refine your selection based on specific attribute values. 5. **Export Selected Points (if necessary):** - If you would like to create a new layer from your selected points, right-click on the point layer in the table of contents, go to “Data”, and choose “Export Data”. This allows you to save the selected points as a new layer. ### Example of a Script Approach (Optional) If you are familiar with Python and using ArcPy, you can also script the selection process: ```python import arcpy # Set your workspace arcpy.env.workspace = "Path/to/your/data" # Define your polygon and point feature classes polygon_fc = "path/to/polygon.shp" point_fc = "path/to/points.shp" # Selection by location, "WITHIN", polygon_fc) # Optionally, save selected points to a new feature class selected_points = "path/to/selected_points.shp", selected_points) ``` ### Summary The method you choose will depend on your specific use case, whether it be manual selection through the GUI or automated processing with Python scripts. The above instructions are a straightforward way to select points based on their spatial relationship with a polygon in ArcGIS.